Info and tips

to discover nature, regional specialties and accommodations

Experience the Stone Forest

Those vacationers and visitors who would like to experience the beauties of the nature park on their own can get information with the help of hiking and biking maps and brochures. On these pages you can find relevant information:


Upper Palatinate Forest Tourist Center
Landkreis Tirschenreuth
Mähringer Straße 7
95643 Tirschenreuth
Phone: 0049 (0) 9631 88-223

Further information and educational offers

The Steinwald Alliance was founded in order to strengthen tourism, among other things, and thus increase value creation in the region. This currently has 17 member municipalities from the region.

Über diese gemeinsame Kommunikations- und Koordinationsplattform werden einzelne Gäste-Angebote aufeinander abgestimmt und neue kreiert. Zu den zentralen Projekten der Steinwald-Allianz gehört die Betreuung der

Eco-model region

The Bavarian state programme "BioRegio Bayern 2030" aims to have 30 percent of agricultural land in Bavaria farmed organically by 2030. The recognised eco-model regions are part of the programme to develop and implement individual ideas that take into account the particularities and structures of the respective regions. The Steinwald has been one of the eco-model regions since 2014.

According to the motto "From the region - for the region", the eco-model region enables the Steinwald Alliance, with the support of the Office for Rural Development Upper Palatinate, to make further efforts as well as persuasion and networking work for organic farming - for an intact, touristically interesting nature, for healthy food and for local jobs.

Öko-Modellregion Steinwald
Seit Herbst 2014 arbeitet die Steinwald-Allianz als anerkannte Öko-Modellregion intensiv mit am ganzheitlichen Ansatz der Bayerischen Staatsregierung, den Ökolandbau in Bayern zu fördern. Unterstützung erfährt der Zweckverband dabei vom Amt für Ländliche Entwicklung Oberpfalz. Nach dem Motto „Aus de…

The staff members develop goals and projects that are tailored to the Steinwald organic model region. These include organised bicycle tours, organic cooking and baking courses as well as projects to promote biodiversity and farm tours of organic farmers. The joint organic beef marketing by the producer association "Öko-Rinder aus dem Steinwald" is also a project of the first hour in the model region (see below under "Eating and drinking - regional specialities") and is one of the central projects.

In its "Organic Summer" programme, the eco-model region organises cycling and hiking tours to destinations with sustainability aspects under the motto "Organic moves". Organic walks for primary school children are also part of the Steinwald Alliance's programme of events, among others.

Bio-Erlebnisse in der Öko-Modellregion Steinwald
Über das Jahr verteilt, bietet die Öko-Modellregion Steinwald eine bunte Auswahl an Bio-Veranstaltungen an. Hier ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei!
Termine - Staatlich anerkannte Öko-Modellregionen
Die Initiative des Bayerischen Landesvereins für Heimatpflege und der Bayerischen Verwaltung für Ländliche Entwicklung unterstützt kreative und unternehmerische Menschen ihre nächste Schritte in ihrem HeimatUnternehmen zu gehen.


Zweckverband Steinwald-Allianz
Bräugasse 6
92681 Erbendorf
Phone: 0049 (0) 9682 / 182219-0

Naturpark Steinwald

The Steinwald Nature Park Association, whose members include the towns and municipalities of the Steinwald region, hiking and nature conservation associations, companies and private individuals, has set itself the task of preserving and maintaining the landscape of this area and protecting the flora and fauna with its great diversity of species, some of which are endangered.

Currently, various species support projects are underway, for example for the rare river pearl mussel, the adder, for bats, the fire salamander and the medicinal plant arnica (see picture).

Picture: Siegfried Steinkohl

The members are supported by two nature park rangers whose tasks include not only nature conservation and landscape management measures, but also visitor guidance and environmental education.

Visitors can also learn interesting facts about the Steinwald Nature Pearl through the following offers of the Nature Park Association.

Information points

The office of the Steinwald Nature Park is located in the Fuchsmühl market house and is home to the two nature park rangers and the managing director. Attached to the office is an information centre with an elevation profile model of the entire nature park, a showcase with rock types and animals from the Steinwald and a miniature model of the Upper Palatinate Tower, covering the topics of the nature park, drinking water and animals of the Steinwald.

Visitors can also find out interesting facts about the region at other information points at the border mill, the Pullenreuth glass grinder and the forest house.

Naturpark Steinwald - Infostellen
Unsere INFOSTELLEN Markthaus Fuchsmühl Die Geschäftsstelle des Naturpark Steinwald e.V. befindet sich im Markthaus Fuchsmühl und ist Sitz der beiden Naturpark-Ranger und des Geschäftsführers. Angegliedert ist eine Infostelle, die mit einem Höhenprofilmodell des gesamten Naturparks, einem Sc…


The nature park also offers guided tours, such as a hike in the Waldnaab Valley nature reserve entitled "One valley, two rivers, three views". Those interested can also take part in excursions, e.g. to the habitats of adder and fire salamander.

Naturpark Steinwald - Anstehende Veranstaltungen

Educational and adventure trails

Forest adventure trail Fuchsmühl

Visitors are interactively informed about the forest ecosystem and by means of touching, hearing and seeing, various impressions can be gathered.

WaldErlebnispfad - Oberpfälzer Wald - Ihr Urlaub in Bayern, Radfahren, Wandern, Kultur
Der Walderlebnispfad in Fuchsmühl ist für Jung & Alt ein Erlebnis!

Pfaben Forest History Trail

Starting at the Pfaben portal with a total length of almost 6 km, the forest history nature trail shows interested visitors the natural beauty and, with the help of creative information boards, the history and life in the Steinwald at that time.

Waldhistorischer Lehrpfad - Oberpfälzer Wald - Ihr Urlaub in Bayern, Radfahren, Wandern, Kultur
Am Portal zum Steinwald


EWILPA stands for "Edible Wild Plants Parks" and was created as a five-kilometre-long circular walk around and partly on the Waldeck Schlossberg.

Herzlich Willkommen bei der Stiftung Ewilpa®
Die Stiftung Essbare­Wildpflanzen­Parks (Ewilpa®) setzt sich für den Aufbau und den Betrieb von Sammel­möglichkeiten ein.

Further information on the topic of "Fascination Herbs" can be found on the website of the Upper Palatinate Herb Network "Kräuter und Leut":

Kräuter & Leut
Weiße Pestwurz, einer der ersten Frühlingsboten im Steinwald


Steinwald Nature Park
Fuchsmühl office
Marienstraße 41
95689 Fuchsmühl
Phone: 0049 (0) 9634/7079013

Nature conservation clubs and associations

Not only the tourism organisations, the Steinwald Alliance and the Naturpark e.V., but also local clubs and associations offer locals as well as holiday guests a variety of opportunities to learn more about the region and its natural beauty.

Association for Landscape Conservation, Species Protection & Biodiversity e.V. (VLAB)

The VLAB is leading the species conservation project to reintroduce Europe's rarest owl, the Ural Owl. The Upper Palatinate Forest and thus also the Steinwald region belong to the westernmost distribution area of this impressive species.

Bild: VLAB

Information on the Ural Owl Project:

Informationen zum Habichtskauzprojekt › Verein für Landschaftspflege, Artenschutz und Biodiversität e.V.
Wichtige Hintergrundinformationen zum Habichtskauz-Projekt des VLAB: Erfahren Sie mehr über Projektziele, Auswilderungsgebiet und Tätigkeitsberichte.

The VLAB also offers excursions and information events such as the following

Lichens - Endangered survival artists in the Steinwald Nature Park

  1. May / 14:00 - 17:00

In an excursion leading from the Teufelsstein near Napfberg up to the high Saubad rock, Johannes Bradtka, lecturer for lichens and forest nature conservation at the Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences, presents the typical lichen habitats of the Steinwald.

The participants learn interesting facts about the fascinating symbiotic life of lichens, typical species of the nature park, causes of endangerment and possibilities of protection for these highly endangered double organisms of fungus and alga.

We explore the owl forest

3. August / 19:00 - 21:00

Children of primary school age are invited to explore the owl forest together with Michaela Domeyer and Rosa Bradtka. You will learn a lot about owls and their habitat, the forest. You will learn about owl calls, tracks and homes.

Registration required under:

Verein für Landschaftspflege, Artenschutz & Biodiversität e.V. (VLAB) › Verein für Landschaftspflege, Artenschutz und Biodiversität e.V.
Der Verein für Landschaftspflege, Artenschutz & Biodiversität e.V. (VLAB) ist eine staatlich anerkannte landesweit tätige Umwelt- und Naturschutzvereinigung.


Schloßstraße 104
D-92681 Erbendorf
Phone.: 0049 (0) 9682/1831680

Landesbund für Vogelschutz (LBV) Tirschenreuth District Group

We would like to mention two of the LBV's natural history offers here as examples:

Steinbruch Zinst:

Excursion Saturday, 06.08.2023 from 15-17 hrs.

Event of the LBV district group Tirschenreuth. Zinst is a former basalt quarry with an area of almost 42 hectares in the municipality of Kulmain. After the end of quarrying, the LBV acquired the area.

Picture credits: Susanne Pätz

There are important amphibian occurrences (e.g. natterjack toad), but also breeding sites of eagle owls. The LBV has this area grazed by a shepherd. It is not accessible to the public outside the excursion.


Excursion Sunday, 09.10.2023 from 15-17.30 hrs.

The excursion is offered by LBV, Bund Naturschutz and Steinwald Nature Park. The Teichelberg near Pechbrunn is a jewel of species protection and is protected three times over as a nature reserve, FFH area and natural forest reserve. Until a few years ago, basalt was mined directly adjacent to the area.

Herzlich willkommen bei der LBV-Kreisgruppe Tirschenreuth
Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie an einer unserer Veranstaltungen teilnehmen, uns auf unserer Neuigkeiten Seite “Letzte Aktionen” näher kennenlernen oder sich einfach mal bei uns melden!


Josefstadt 16
95679 Waldershof
Phone: 0049 (0) 176/21400121

Nature Conservation Federation, Tirschenreuth District Group

The Bund Naturschutz also has a number of events on natural history topics in its annual programme, such as the excursion "Mysterious moors in the Steinwald". The many positive functions of these areas for water balance, nature conservation and climate are presented, as are the many renaturation measures.

Other examples include the family guided tour "Where does the deer live, where does the woodpecker live?", "Wild bees - our most important helpers in the garden" or "Mushroom excursion in the eastern district".

Jahresprogramm - BUND Naturschutz in Bayern e.V.


Office management:
Marienstr. 41
95689 Fuchsmühl

Pond management

Fish farming in the district of Tirschenreuth looks back on a tradition of almost a thousand years. Under the motto "Experience fish in the land of 1000 ponds", the pond keepers in the region who have joined together in the "ARGE Fisch" organise numerous activities and events every year. These include cycling tours, e.g. on the carp cycle path, or walks through the pond areas, where, with a bit of luck, you may even spot ornithological rarities such as ospreys or white-tailed eagles. More information about

Fisch kaufen – Erlebnis Fisch
Willkommen zum „Erlebnis Fisch im Land der 1000 Teiche“!
Tirschenreuther Teichpfanne Photo: Upper Palatinate Forest - Thomas Kujat

The focus is on the opening of the "Fish Experience Weeks", which will take place on 24 September 2023 in the monastery town of Waldsassen. From menus and fish enjoyment in the gastronomy to pond and farm tours to promotions for the 30th anniversary of the Upper Palatinate Fishery Museum in the Tirschenreuth Museum Quarter, there are many opportunities to experience the land of 1000 ponds.

Calendar of events:

Fisch kaufen – Erlebnis Fisch


ARGE Fisch im Landkreis Tirschenreuth e. V.
Mähringer Str. 7
95643 Tirschenreuth  
Phone: 0049 (0) 9631/88426


The Upper Palatinate also offers numerous highlights for those interested in geology. Particularly in the south and east, the Steinwald is surrounded by a basalt dome landscape from which bizarre rock formations protrude. Basalt is considered a primary rock of the earth, it is of volcanic origin and has existed for many millions of years. An example of basalt in the Steinwald region is the Schlossberg Waldeck with its castle ruins.

A must - a visit to the "volcano village" Parkstein

All visitors to the region, even those who are less familiar with the history of the earth, are recommended to take a detour to Parkstein, a village perched on a volcanic cone south of the Steinwald. A small mountain church, castle ruins, an impressive basalt wall (see picture) as well as the breathtaking view from the summit await the visitors.

Image: Johannes Poschner

On the tour up and around the basalt cone, you will be provided with interesting information along a "geological path", e.g. also about the rock cellars once driven into the hard rock along the way.

Alexander von Humboldt was also impressed by the High Parkstein and praised it as the "most beautiful basalt cone in Europe". As early as 1937, it was placed under nature conservation because of its uniqueness and rare plant diversity. Even today, the special geology of the Parkstein fascinates geoscientists, which is why it was included in the list of the "100 most beautiful geotopes in Bavaria" in 2003 and awarded the title of "National Geotope" in 2006.

Parkstein Volcano Experience" Museum

A visit to the "Volcano Experience Parkstein" is absolutely worthwhile. It is an information centre, or rather an experience centre, that works with the most modern didactic and museum education methods.

Image: Peter Grett

Here, questions are answered in an exciting way, such as "A volcano in Parkstein, how did it come about and what happened inside the earth? How were the impressive basalt columns formed?". On the ground floor, visitors learn everything about volcanism in Parkstein. Short clips explain the background to the eruption, solidification and erosion of the basalt cone.

Vulkanerlebnis Parkstein

Geopark Bayern-Böhmen

Parkstein ist auch Sitz des gemeinnützigen Vereins GEOPARK Bayern-Böhmen e. V. Zu dessen Aufgaben gehört neben dem Geotopschutz und der regionalen und grenzüberschreitenden Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auch die geowissenschaftliche Umweltbildung. Eine wichtige Säule bilden dabei „Geo-Ranger“, die fachkundig und auf anschauliche Weise die faszinierende Erdgeschichte der Region vermitteln. Es lohnt sich, sich den angebotenen Führungen anzuschließen.

Zusätzlich wird auf „GEO-Touren“ an acht bis 15 Standorten im Geopark jeweils ein Thema behandelt. Für die GEOPARK-Routen und die GEO-Touren stehen teils Web-Apps zur Verfügung. Diese können über den jeweiligen QR-Code auf internetfähige Smartphones geladen werden.

GEOPARK Bayern-Böhmen

Food and drink - regional specialities

A unique drink: the Zoigl

Zoigl is a bottom-fermented beer brewed in the traditional way in the municipal breweries of Eslarn, Falkenberg, Mitterteich, Neuhaus and Windischeschenbach. In the open brew pan over a wood fire, the mash - a mixture of water and barley malt - is first boiled, then hopped and thus heated again as "wort". This brew is now put into large containers in the cellar, where the yeast does its work. After about 10 days of fermentation, the Zoiglbier is filled into barrels where it has to mature for several more weeks.

Zoigl — Zoiglbier
Der Zoigl, Hausbrauer, Zoigl-Präsentation in Deutsch, Echter Zoigl vom Kommunbrauer, Der Zoigl-Stern

This traditional drink is available in pubs in the above-mentioned towns according to a specific, pre-determined rotation. The Zoigl calendar provides information on when and where the Zoigl is served:

Zoigl — Zoigltermine
Zoigltermine im Überblick

Producers' association for organic cattle from the Steinwald region

The joint organic beef marketing is a project of the first hour of the organic model region. The goals were quickly set: a short distance to the slaughterhouse, fair prices for producers and processors, and an increase in awareness for organically produced meat. Following the motto "from the region - for the region", organic farmers, the model organic region and the certified organic butcher Ackermann worked closely together to establish a fair value chain for producers, processors and consumers.

Steinwald | Erzeugergemeinschaft Öko-Rinder aus dem Steinwald
bio, regional & gentechnikfrei

Info brochure:


Erzeugergemeinschaft Öko-Rinder aus dem Steinwald
Produkte und Verkaufsstellen

Carp and Co

The carp is the main fish species of the pond region. In the season from autumn to the end of April, not only locals but also tourists spending their holidays in holiday flats take the opportunity to buy the fish freshly caught. The following page provides information on where they can do so:

Fisch kaufen – Erlebnis Fisch
Hier erhalten Sie frischen Fisch – direkt vom Teichwirt!

And if you want to know the different ways of preparing it, you can find a suitable recipe here:

Fisch kaufen – Rezepte
„Köstliche Karpfen“-Rezepte

All other fish lovers who would like to be served this regional speciality will find a directory of gastronomic establishments that are particularly adept at preparing carp and other fish species from the pond region:

Fisch kaufen – Gastronomie
Fischgenuss in der heimischen Gastronomie

It is noteworthy that the range of products does not only include the classic preparation methods, but that innovative creations are increasingly being developed. An example is the culinary diversity of the Fischhof Bächer, where from the end of September to the end of April, in addition to different carp variations, an Upper Palatinate fish soup or cold variations with pike-perch and trout are served. And in the fish shop right next door, there are all kinds of home-made delicacies such as original Muckenthaler carp sausages, carp burger patties, graved salmon trout fillet, salmon trout terrine & carp in aspic or carp matjes and smoked fish Gouda salads.

Fischerstüberl, Fischladen, Fischzucht
Wo kann man grätenfreies Karpfenfilet essen? Im Fischerstüberl Bächer in Muckenthal! Bestellungen & Reservierungen unter 09634/536. 26 Jahre Erlebnis Fisch.

Village shop in Friedenfels

In 2009, the former "Zimmerhütte" in Friedenfels was converted into a shop. Starting with some vegetables, baked goods, game products and drinks from the Friedenfels Castle Brewery, more and more local products from the region were added to the range over time: Spices, honey, oils, sausage and tinned meat. ‍The Zimmerhütte is located directly on the Goldsteig hiking trail. Hikers and cyclists therefore have hikers and cyclists have the opportunity to stop for refreshments. When the weather is nice, the terrace invites you to enjoy coffee and cake.

Der Friedenfelser Dorfladen
Getränkeabholmarkt, Dreh- und Angelpunkt aller Friedenfelser Produkte und alles was man noch zum leben braucht. Unser Dorfladen vereint alles unter einem Dach, und ist gleichzeitig noch Dorfmittelpunkt und Ort der Begegnung.

Mobile village shop

The number of small grocery shops in the Steinwald region has decreased by 30 % since 2005. The project "Mobile Village Shop in the Steinwald Alliance" aims to counteract this trend. The Mobile Village Shop drives through the member municipalities of the Steinwald Alliance from Monday to Saturday and brings goods for daily needs, but also many products from regional suppliers as well as numerous special delicacies that are not available in retail shops, to the villages.

In addition, an online shop offers the possibility to buy the desired goods digitally and then pick them up at a stop.

Mobiler Dorfladen im Steinwald
In mehr als 500 Gemeinden in Bayern gibt es keine Lebensmittelgeschäfte mehr. Die Zahl der kleinen Lebensmittelgeschäfte in der Steinwald-Region ist seit 2005 um 30 % gesunken. Das Projekt "Mobiler Dorfladen in der Steinwald-Allianz" will diesem Trend entgegenwirken. Die Ziele dieses Model…
Der Fahrplan des Mobilen Dorfladens der Steinwald Allianz Hier finden Sie unseren Fahrplan mit den Haltestellen und -zeiten in den einzelnen Orten. Mit Klick auf den Fahrplan können Sie diesen als PDF herunterladen und ausdrucken.

"Stonewood" - the stone forest whiskey

The Schraml family business is a craft distillery with a two-hundred-year history located in the Steinwald Nature Park. It is located in the Alte Propstei Erbendorf, a former monastery and vicarage with a rich history.

In addition to brandies, spirits and liqueurs produced from regional raw materials, the distillery's product range also features a special regional speciality. As early as the 19th century, the owners began to store their grain brandies in old oak barrels and sell them as "brown grain".

The whisky from the Steinwald was thus born and consequently the Schraml distillery can call itself the oldest German whisky producer. Today, four different varieties of the "Stonewood Whisky" named after their home are offered.

Brennerei Schraml - Schraml – Die Steinwald-Brennerei
Whisky, Gin und Edelbrände aus Bayern


Schraml – Die Steinwald Brennerei
Pfarrgasse 22
92681 Erbendorf
Phone: 0049 (0) 9682 183 69 0


On the tourism page of the Steinwald Alliance

Naturpark Steinwald – Urlaub in Bayerns zweitkleinsten Naturpark
Entdecke den Naturpark Steinwald! Der zweitkleinste Naturpark Bayerns befindet sich zwischen Fichtelgebirge und Oberpfälzer Wald und ist geprägt von einem sehr vielfältigen Landschaftsbild: Märchenhafte Burgen, bizarre Felsformationen, erloschene Vulkane und über tausend Teiche charakterisieren die…

you will find holiday farms as well as a directory of hotels and guesthouses, camping and caravan sites and tips for hiking and cycling.

The offer also includes destinations with a special profile such as the


in Erbendorf, whose building originally housed a suitcase factory. After the extensive renovation of the main building, which is reminiscent of a cruise ship, and the new construction of the conference building, guests are now offered a modern holiday and conference centre located directly on the European cycle path.

Image: ARIBO

One of the special features of this house is that a quarter of the crew is made up of people with disabilities. Inclusion in practice also means that the rooms, the outdoor facilities and the conference terminal are designed to be barrier-free. All 40 rooms are very spacious and some are equipped with wheelchair-accessible bathrooms. The ingredients for the cuisine come mostly from suppliers in the region, of course also from organic farms.

Startseite - ARIBO Hotel Erbendorf - Urlaub und Tagen im Steinwald und Fichtelgebirge
Dies ist eine Beispiel-Seite. Sie unterscheidet sich von Beiträgen, weil sie stets an der selben Stelle bleibt und (bei den meisten Themes) in der Navigationsleiste angezeigt wird. Die meisten Leute starten mit einer „Über uns“-Seite mit einer Vorstellung für mögliche Besucher der Website. Dort könn…


Small and larger groups of up to 60 people will also find another unusual conference location in the nature park: the Hollerhöfe in Waldeck. The rooms of different sizes, which are located in renovated barns (see picture), also include very special seminar locations in the midst of the natural idyll of the Edible Wild Plant Park - in Tiny Houses.

Image: Peter Grett

However, it is not only the conference facilities that are exceptional, but also what is offered to holiday guests. They stay in stylishly furnished country house rooms or flats in lovingly renovated old village houses.

Each of the four historic buildings tells a small part of the history of Waldeck. The culinary offer is characterised by traditional Upper Palatinate dishes. However, the trained chef Elisabeth Zintl and her team also combine classic creations with influences from Mediterranean cuisine.

Holiday farms

A further list of holiday farms can be found on the "Blauer Gockel" website:

Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof im Oberpfälzer Wald
Die schönsten Ferienhöfe sowie verschiedene Urlaubsthemen zu Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof im Oberpfälzer Wald - Jetzt informieren und buchen!
Graphic: Blauer Gockel - Bauernhof- und Landurlaub e.V.

The association "Blauer Gockel - Bauernhof und Landurlaub e.V.", funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, shows on its website more than 5000 holiday flats on farms in Bavaria, including some in the Upper Palatinate Forest.



The Steinwald is easily accessible by train. You can get off and on at the stations Reuth bei Erbendorf, Immenreuth, Wiesau, Waldershof and Neusorg. From there you can either take a taxi, the "Baxi" call bus or the bus to your hosts - or you can let your hosts know. Because many of them will be happy to pick you up at any time.


Located in the north-east of Bavaria, close to the Czech border, the nature park is easily accessible for residents of the surrounding large cities: Regensburg in the south and Nuremberg in the west are each about 120 kilometres away, and Leipzig and Dresden in the north and north-east are each just under 200 kilometres away. Munich in the south is about 250 kilometres away.

Grafik: Naturpark Steinwald


The expansion of the charging infrastructure is also progressing in the Upper Palatinate. More and more guest establishments have already installed charging stations or wallboxes. Whether this is the case at the intended holiday destination should be enquired about in advance of the trip.

Image: Peter Grett

Chargers are also gradually being installed at tourist hotspots, such as in front of the basalt wall in Parkstein (see picture).

Information on charging infrastructure can be found in special online directories such as the Bavarian Charging Atlas:

Cycling and e-biking

Some of the websites listed above provide information on cycle paths and thematic tours. As part of the joint project "E-Bike-Region Oberpfälzer Wald", charging stations for e-bikes have been set up throughout the Upper Palatinate Forest. The following link provides holidaymakers with information about all the stations in the Steinwald and surrounding area:

E-Bike Ladestationen
Erfahre an welchen Standorten im Naturpark Steinwald der Akku des E-Bikes aufladbar ist.

Book tip

Simon Süß
Die Oberpfalz

With texts by Manfred Knedlik
and Alfred Wolfsteiner
ISBN 978-3-7917-3358-6
272 pages, color illustrations throughout
with 3 fold-out panorama pages
Hardcover with ribbon
€ (D) 49,95
A cooperation with the Morsbach
Publisher Regensburg

Three years, countless hikes, 250,000 kilometers driven, 177,000 photographic images, 10,000 hours of work: This opulent picture-text volume is the result of a passionate love affair. The result is a very unique view of the photographer Simon Süß on his often misunderstood Upper Palatinate home.

Verlag Friedrich Pustet Gutenbergstr. 8 93051 Regensburg
Phone: 0941/92022-322,


On our service pages, we also go into detail about individual gastronomic and accommodation establishments as well as companies that sell sustainable and/or regionally typical products. These are examples of a large number of other destinations and providers from the region that operate in the same or a similar way. In most cases, our selection is based on our own experiences during our reportage trips in the respective region or on insider tips. In the context of an individual description, we also always provide references in the form of links to the entire spectrum of players in the same industry segment.

The exemplary description of individual companies is exclusively fact- and reader-oriented and is not linked to any advertising offer.