Why nature and bird watching makes you happy

Nature and bird watching with ZEISS - a new, even more intensive engagement with the local environment is becoming more and more of a trend.

Getting to grips with the environment and the local flora and fauna is becoming increasingly popular. Not only in the sense of environmental protection and sustainability, but also as a balance to everyday stress and the hectic pace of working life. What plants, animals, ecosystems exist in my immediate environment - which ones are I really familiar with, and which birds and other animals can I discover anew? While birding, or bird watching, has so far tended to take place in its own community, an ever-expanding field is opening up here.

But why does birthing make you happier?

Spending time in and with nature has become a growing trend, at the latest during the Corona pandemic. It may be no secret that a diverse natural environment can have a positive effect on mental health and human well-being, but researchers at the University of Halle-Jena-Leipzig and Kiel have even been able to show that increasing bird species diversity has at least as strong an effect on life satisfaction as an increase in income1. Nature conservation and the associated engagement with nature and bird life is therefore an investment in human well-being!

What does it take to Birden?

The beauty of this hobby is that it doesn't take much to get started. The nature observation experts at ZEISS recommend investing in a good pair of compact binoculars in order to have a lot of fun and enjoyment observing and discovering right from the start. The ZEISS SFL 30 and SFL 40 binoculars are particularly suitable for this purpose. The light weight and compact design make it an ideal companion in nature and allow the binoculars to conveniently disappear in your pocket or hang easily around your neck. Thanks to the UHD concept, the highest optical performance allows even the smallest details to be seen sharply and reliably. Intuitive operation is indispensable, especially for beginners. Here, too, ZEISS binoculars impress with smooth focusing. Whether high in the mountains or at home in the garden - from now on, binoculars can't be missing from your next outdoor and leisure activities.

1 For more information on the study, see Biodiversity makes people happy: More bird species in their environment increase the life satisfaction of Europeans just as much as a higher income - ScienceDaily
