Unser zeitgemäßes Natur- und Reisemagazin ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt des Contravis-Verlags, Herausgeber des einzigartigen Premiummagazins MONDBERGE und unserer, auf Nachhaltigkeitsthemen spezialisierten Medienagentur Touremo mit dem IT-Partner Visionlab.

The result of our cooperation is an experience and enjoyment title about fascinating nature travel destinations, suitable outdoor equipment, sustainable accommodation, regional specialities and environmentally friendly mobility. The online site is the ideal complement to the special of the same name integrated in the MONDBERGE print magazine.

We also address the issue of protecting endangered species such as the rare European Roller and call for their careful and considerate observation.

The word "experience" in the title deliberately allows for different interpretations: readers can learn more about nature and its beauty, while being encouraged to experience it directly, in other words: to gather experiences. Last but not least, environmentally friendly mobility also plays a role, i.e. driving on the way and on site.

Das Schloss Kapfenstein mit seinem Bio-Weingut repräsentiert beispielhaft die Magazin-Themen Naturerleben und regionale Kulinarik

Let us encourage you to experience magnificent landscapes and enjoy regional, artisan specialities, but also to tell us about your personal favourite regions.

MONDBERGE Magazin Einzelbestellung - Mondberge
MONDBERGE zeigt, was Leser fasziniert: Reportagen über bedrohte Tierarten und Lebensräume, faszinierende Bilder und spannende Geschichten.

We look forward to your tips and suggestions

Peter Grett

Text: Peter Grett
Lead story: Tourism Association-Thermen and Vulkanland
Image 1: Michael Tiefenbach
Image 2: Winkler-Hermaden