Many wild animal species are threatened by the effects of human activities such as deforestation, loss of natural habitats due to infrastructure measures, hunting, environmental pollution, but also by the effects of climate change. The editors' concern is therefore to repeatedly raise awareness of how important and valuable togetherness is - in the spirit of the magazine's slogan "THE WORLD AND WE".

The protection of species is at the top of the agenda of Moon Mountains magazine, which is once again bringing out a luxurious and large-format wall calendar of the extra class on this important topic for the year 2024 - with top-class photos by international nature photographers. The sheets, sturdily attached to a sustainable holder made of bamboo wood, can be easily removed by means of a perforation, for example, to frame and hang them individually.

Michael Matschuck, Andreas Klotz und Dirk Wahlscheid (v.l.), die Herausgeber des MONDBERGE-Magazins, unterstützen mit dem Erlös des Kalenders Natur- und Artenschutzprojekte

Michael Matschuck, Andreas Klotz and Dirk Wahlscheid (from left), the publishers of the MONDBERGE magazine, support nature and species conservation projects with the proceeds of the calendar.

Hannes Jaenicke takes over the patronage for the species protection calendar again this year

His message: "If we do nothing, we will destroy the life of all living beings on earth in the long term, including our own! By purchasing this calendar, you are already making a difference: the proceeds from its sale will support various species conservation projects in order to leave a rich biodiversity for future generations. We should finally understand that biodiversity also means quality of life - and this is exactly the feeling that the new 2024 Moon Mountains calendar will give you for one year."

Großformatige Bilder faszinierender Tierarten prägen den Artenschutzkalender

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Text: Peter Grett